


The apportionment of premiums and discounts on forward exchange transactions that relate directly to deposit swap (interest arbitrage) deals, over the period of each deal.


Official action normally occasioned by a change either in the internal economic policies to correct a payment imbalance or in the official currency rate.


Traders and/or price action are acting with conviction.


A financial professional who has expertise in evaluating investments and puts together buy, sell and hold recommendations for clients.


A product is said to 'appreciate' when it strengthens in price in response to market demand.


Through selling or purchasing a currency, one takes advantage of countervailing prices within different markets to profit from small price differences. Simultaneously taking an equal and opposite position in a related market to profit from small price differences.


“Ask” (or “ask price”) is a term used to describe the price at which a trader accepts to buy a particular currency.


“Asset” refers to an item or resource of value, such as a currency or currency pair.

Bart Chart

A type of chart which consists of four significant points: the high and the low prices, which form the vertical bar; the opening price, which is marked with a horizontal line to the left of the bar; and the closing price, which is marked with a horizontal line to the right of the bar.

Barrier level

A certain price of great importance included in the structure of a Barrier Option. If a Barrier Level price is reached, the terms of a specific Barrier Option call for a series of events to occur.

Barrier Option

Quite a few different choice constructions, (for example, thump in, take out, no touch, twofold no-contact DNT) that appends extraordinary significance to a particular value exchanging. In a no-contact hindrance, a huge characterized payout is granted to the purchaser of the choice by the dealer on the off chance that the strike cost isn't 'contacted' before expiry. This makes a motivation for the choice vender to drive costs through the strike level and makes a motivator for the choice purchaser to shield the strike level.

Base Currency

When it comes to currency pairs, the first currency listed is called the "base currency". For example, when it comes to the GBP/USD pairing, the GBP serves as the base currency.

Bear Market

An asset, currency, or security that is in decline is known as a bear market. The term can also be shortened to simply "bear".

Bull Market

Unlike a bear market, a bull market describes when the price of an asset, currency, or security is rising. Just like the term "bear market", this term is also often shortened, so you can expect to hear "bull" and "bullish" regularly.


“Bid” (or “bid price”) is the term used to describe the price at which a trader is willing to sell a particular currency.


An individual or firm that goes about as a go-between, uniting purchasers and venders for an expense or commission. Interestingly, a vendor submits capital and takes one side of a position, expecting to procure a spread (benefit) by finishing off the situation in an ensuing exchange with another party.

Buy Limit Order

A buy limit order is an order to push through a transaction at a specified price or lower, with the term “limit” referring to the price threshold.

Carry Trade

When an investor borrows at a lower-than-average interest rate in order to purchase assets that may generate a higher interest rate.

Closed Position

Closing a position means bringing a transaction to an end, incurring any related profits or losses as a result.

Closing Market Rate

Sometimes listed as the closing price, it represents the final value that a currency is traded at during any specific time frame, day, or candle.

Currency Appreciation

When a currency’s value rises against another, it will commonly be addressed as “currency appreciation”.

Currency Futures

Currency futures are contracts that establish the price at which a currency can be sold or bought at a future date. Future contracts are widely used by traders for hedging purposes.

Currency Pair

A currency pair is the fundamental unit of the forex market. Currency pairs come in a variety of forms, with most being categorized as "major", "minor", or "exotic". For example, GBP/USD is a major currency pair.

Cross Pairs

Any 2 major currencies which do not contain the US Dollar as the base or counter currency (example: GBP/AUD, EUR/CAD, ...). These are deemed more volatile than Major Pairs (all Pairs incl. US Dollar).

Daily Chart

A graph that breaks down the movements of a particular currency that have occurred within a single trading day.

Day Trade

A forex trade that is opened and closed on the same day.


A term that denotes a trade done at the current market price. It is a live trade as opposed to an order.

Dealing Spread

The difference between the buying and selling price of a contract.


Removing a stock’s listing on an exchange.

Demo Account

The demo account, also known as a dummy account, virtual currency account, or practice account, is a forex trading account that uses virtual funds.

Depth of Market

The volume of active buying and selling orders placed for a currency, covering a wide degree of prices.


The decrease in value of an asset over time.

Discount Rate

Interest rate that an eligible depository institution is charged to borrow short-term funds directly from the Federal Reserve Bank.


When the price of a currency dips, the difference between the peak and the new low is labelled the “drawdown”.

East Caribbean Dollars

The currency of the East Caribbean. Currency code (XCD).

Economic Indicators

A monetary pointer is an estimation or important informative item on the economy that gives an indicator of how the nation is doing, which could impact a resource's worth.

ECN Broker

Representing a distinct type of broker. An ECN Broker makes use of Electronic Communications Networks (ECNs) to provide clients with access to liquidity providers.

Efficient Market Hypothesis

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is a monetary hypothesis specifying that the monetary business sectors mirror all suitable data on the cost of resources at some random time. At first created by business analyst Eugene Fama during the '60s, the hypothesis expresses that it is almost outside the realm of possibilities for financial backers to acquire an edge over the market over the long haul. Resources will be esteemed at their fair cost, as completely realized data will be exchanged on until it stops to be valuable.

Electronic Market Maker

An electronic market creator is a firm that gives costs on electronic exchanging (e-exchanging) scenes and persistently submits limit requests to purchase or to sell. It gives liquidity to those merchants requiring instantaneousness by means of attractive orders.

End of Day Order (EOD)

An order to buy or sell at a specified price that remains open until the end of the trading day, typically at 5pm/17:00 New York time.

European Stability Mechanism

The European Stability Mechanism is a bailout store set to be sent off in July 2012 to succeed the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). Dissimilar to the EFSF, which is a transitory asset, the ESM is a long-lasting salvage financing program with an all out limit of 500 billion EUR. It was intended to help obligation upset European Union (EU) states and upgrade monetary dependability in the district by loaning cash to EU legislatures.

E-trading Desk

An electronic work area or e-exchanging work area is an exchanging work area that produces consistent algorithmic value statements for clients by means of various sorts of electronic exchanging scenes and conventions.


An exchange is a marketplace where financial instruments are traded.

Exchange Rate

Representing what the forex market is built upon, the exchange rate is the cost at which one currency can be traded for another.


This term refers to when a trade is put in motion and subsequently completed.


Lesser well-known currencies (exotics) which can be extremely volatile in the market (South African Rand, Hungarian Forint, …).

Expiry Date

The last day on which the holder of an option can exercise his right to buy or sell the underlying security.


Trades allude to any great, ware or administration offered to a far off country. For instance, Saudi Arabia, the world.


“Exposure” is a term that is used to address the amount invested in a currency and its associated market risks.

Fill Price

Addresses the completion of an order, along with the price that it has been completed at.

Fill or Kill

If an investor has a price in mind for a forex transaction, he or she can choose the fill or kill option. This means that if the order is not filled at the exact predetermined price, it is terminated.

Fixed Risk/Profit

Along with the point above, there are also option contracts you can trade that have fixed risk, along with a fixed amount of profit you can make, no matter how much the stock or pair moves for or against you.

Floating Exchange Rate

A term used to portray any swapping scale that is as of now not fixed. A drifting conversion scale will in general change subject to the market interest (alongside different variables) of a specific money comparative with different monetary standards.

Forex Chart

Similar to a daily chart, a forex chart is a digital chart that highlights points and price movements related to a currency pair. Forex charts can usually be extended to cover days, weeks, months, and even years.

Forex Scalping

An outstanding exchanging procedure that depends on the possibility that assuming you open and close an exchange trading a money inside a short space of time, you are likelier to procure benefit than you would through enormous value developments. What forex scalping will in general address is the "little and regularly" approach with regards to forex exchanging.

Forex Signal System

Seemingly the most usually publicized forex administration, a forex signal framework works by giving forex signs to endorsers connected with current market action. This sign (which can be given through various means) can set off an exchange either consequently or physically. For instance, a forex signal framework might make you that it's an appropriate time aware of one or the other trade a specific money.

Forex Spot Rate:

The forex spot rate determines the exchange rate that a currency can be purchased or sold at.

Forex Trading Robot

While not rigorously a "robot" essentially, a forex exchanging robot alludes to a piece of programming that is intended to work as an aide. It's mechanized and should assist with deciding when you ought to one or the other trade a money pair.

Fundamental Analysis

The demonstration of deciding the effect that vital political and financial occasions (joblessness rates, loan cost declarations, etc) have on the forex market. Dealers lead such investigation as a way to anticipate the future heading of the market concerning their portfolios.


A hole is a region on an outline where the cost of a money pair drops strongly up or down, with practically no exchanging between.

Going Long/Short

If a trader is going long on a currency pair the first part of the pair is bought while the second is sold. Going long or buying a currency means that you expect the price to rise. Going short is `selling’ one half of a currency pair in the hopes that the price will decrease.


A quick market move in which prices skip several levels without any trades occurring. Gaps usually follow economic data or news announcements.


The handling expense for each exchange made in the Ethereum organization. Gas is the metering unit for executions performed on the EVM. Gas units are a proper number, contingent upon the calculation, and paid with ether in a division called GWei.

Gas Limit

A term utilized in the Ethereum stage that alludes to the greatest measure of units of gas the client will spend on an exchange. The exchange should have sufficient gas to cover the computational assets expected to execute the code. All unused gas is discounted toward the finish of the exchange.


Gearing refers to trading a notional value that is greater than the amount of capital a trader is required to hold in his or her trading account. It is expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

Good till Cancelled Order

An order to buy or sell at a specified price that remains open until filled or until the client cancels.

Gross domestic product

Total value of a country's output, income or expenditure produced within its physical borders.

Guaranteed Stop

A stop-loss order guaranteed to close your position at a level you dictate, should the market move to or beyond that point. It is guaranteed even if there’s gapping in the market.


GWei (Gigawei) is a group of ether that is utilized in accommodating gas cost. 1 ETH = 1000000000 (1e9) GWei. GWei is likewise alluded to as Shannon, Nanoether, and Nano.


Every 100 pips in the FX market starting with 000.

Hard Currency

Inverse of a delicate money, a hard cash is one that is frequently strongest in the midst of political and monetary shakiness and along these lines is for the most part viewed as reliable. For instance, the Great Britain Pound (GBP), US Dollar (USD), and Euro (EUR) are notable hard monetary forms.

Hard Fork

The course of fundamentally changing the conventions on a blockchain where the engineers establish that changes should be made to a digital money that will make inconsistencies between the old and new coin. Every one of the clients or hubs should move up to the cutting-edge adaptation of the product.


A technique for exchanging that is utilized to safeguard a financial backer by decreasing the gamble that is related with unpredictable business sectors. Supporting requires the dealer to make two autonomous speculations that work to adjust one another. This attempts to limit the misfortune that could be caused by value variances.

Hit the Bid

Every 100 pips in the FX market starting with 000.


An incorrect spelling of 'hold' that kept close by to want to say 'keep'. A cryptographic money merchant who purchases a coin and doesn't see himself selling soon is known as a HODLer of the coin.


The buyer of a currency.

Hot Wallet

A hot wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet.

Hot Storage

Hot capacity alludes to a crytocurrency wallet that is associated with the web. A few instances of hot stockpiles incorporate internet based wallets, programming wallets, and putting away your digital currency inside a web-based trade account. Something contrary to hot capacity is cold stockpiling.


Excessive inflation is a condition wherein cost levels increment quickly as the country's cash loses its worth. All in all, excessive inflation is very quick expansion.

Hybrid Wallet

A digital currency stockpiling and the executives framework that is a mix of a product wallet (put away on your own PC) and a web wallet (put away on an outsider server).

Historical Volatility

Chronicled unpredictability is the proportion of a stock's value development in view of verifiable costs.

Implied Volatility

A concept you will learn about in options is ‘implied volatility’ which is a measurement which reflects the markets’ ‘view’ that stock XYZ will change over time. Essentially implied volatility is the market’s projection or forecast of a likely movement in the stock price. Implied volatility usually increases in bearish markets and decreases in bullish ones, but this is not fixed. This gives you an advantage because it gives you a relative ‘insight’ into how much the overall market thinks stock XYZ will move over the life of that option.


Mediation connects with activities submitted by a country's national bank as a way to influence the worth of its cash. This typically comprises an immediate entering of the market, which can then build the degree of control that country has over the money swapping scale.


Little volume being traded in the market; a lack of liquidity often creates choppy market conditions.


International Monetary Market, the Chicago-based currency futures market, that is part of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.


An economic condition whereby prices for consumer goods rise, eroding purchasing power.


Adjustments in cash to reflect the effect of owing or receiving the notional amount of equity of a CFD position.

Japanese Economy watchers Survey

Measures the mood of businesses that directly service consumers such as waiters, drivers and beauticians. Readings above 50 generally signal improvements in sentiment.

Japanese Yen

The currency of Japan. One of the major currencies traded. Currency code (JPY).

Japanese Machine tool orders

Measures the total value of new orders placed with machine tool manufacturers. Machine tool orders are a measure of the demand for companies that make machines, a leading indicator of future industrial production. Strong data generally signals that manufacturing is improving and that the economy is in an expansion phase.


A person who trades for small profits rarely leaving a trade open overnight.

Jordan Dinars

The currency of Jordan. Currency code (JOD).

Keep the order dry

To limit your trades due to inclement trading conditions. In either choppy or extremely narrow markets, it may be better to stay on the sidelines until a clear opportunity arises.

Keltner Channel

The Keltner Channel or KC is a technical indicator that consists of volatility-based bands (or channels) set above and below a moving average.

Keep the Powder Dry

"keep the powder dry" is an expression that means to restrict your exchanges because of brutal exchanging conditions. In either rough or incredibly slender business sectors, it could be smarter to remain uninvolved until a reasonable open door emerges.

Key Pair

Openly key cryptography, a key pair is a couple of private key(s) and public key(s) that are numerically connected to one another. Public keys are utilized to encode information, and the private key of the key pair is utilized to decode that information. This is known as unbalanced encryption. Key sets are utilized to control admittance to your digital currency.


Option strategy that requires the underlying product to trade at a certain price before a previously bought option becomes active. Knock-ins are used to reduce premium costs of the underlying option and can trigger hedging activities once an option is activated.

Knock outs

Choice that invalidates a formerly purchased choice assuming the fundamental item exchanges a specific level. At the point when a take out level is exchanged, the basic choice stops to exist and any supporting might need to be loosened up.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

KYC is another way to say "know your client" or "know your client". KYC is the course of a business, associated with monetary exchanges, to recognize and confirm the character of clients. At the point when you set up a record with a crypto trade, you'll normally be approached to go through the KYC interaction.

Kimchi Premium

The "kimchi premium's" referred to in the digital money world as the additional value edge over worldwide bitcoin costs that happen on Korean cryptographic money trades.


Slang for the New Zealand Dollar. Currency code (NZD).

Kuwait Dinars

The currency of Kuwait. Currency code (KWD).


Inertness is the deferral between the transmission of data from a source and the gathering of the data at its objective.

Latvia Lati

The currency of Latvia. Currency code (LVL).

Lead and Lags

Caused by an expected change in exchange rates. An expected increase in exchange rates may speed up transactions while an expected decrease may slow exchange rates.

Leading indicator

Are utilized by merchants to anticipate unavoidable changes in a market. Since proactive factors change before a real market changes, brokers consider them significant as rules for contributing astutely to exploit value occasions before they happen.


Influence is a help presented by forex agents that permits a merchant to augment their purchasing power. It empowers the dealer to store a limited quantity of capital yet still exchange money enormous volumes. Influence is communicated by a proportion; for instance, influence of 1:100 expands a dealer's buying power by multiple times.

Limit Order

Addressing a guidance to one or the other close or open an exchange at a future cost. For instance, on the off chance that EUR/USD is at present recorded at 1.07503/1.07523, a connected limit request to purchase EUR at a lower-than-current market esteem cost would see the cash buy happen at 1.07522 or underneath.


The amount (or volume) of a set currency currently available for active trading.

Long Position

Opposite of a short position, any investor who takes a long position buys a base currency with a view to profiting on a market price increase.


A lot is a standardised quantity of the currency you are choosing to trade with, with one lot equalling 100,000 units of a particular currency.


M2 is a measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near money.


The MACD or “Moving Average Convergence / Divergence” indicator is a momentum oscillator used to trade trends.


The longest-term trader who bases their trade decisions on fundamental analysis. A macro trade’s holding period can last anywhere from around six months to multiple years.

Maintenance Margin

Maintenance margin is the amount that must be available in funds in order to keep a margin trade open.


“Margin” refers to the amount of account balance required in order to maintain an open position.

Margin Call

This is an alert that notifies you that you need to make an additional deposit in order to increase your margin to keep remaining positions active.

Mark to Market

Setting all open positions to current market prices.

Market maker

A dealer who regularly quotes both bid and ask prices and is ready to make a two-sided market for any financial product.


The date of settlement or expiry of a financial product.

Market Order

For the individuals who need to exchange promptly, a market request's expected, as it is a request for an exchange to be executed right away (if conceivable) at the best cost accessible.

Micro Lot

Micro lot refers to 1,000 units of the base currency within a pair.


This refers to a cryptocurrency’s extreme upward momentum as it keeps climbing in price.

Moving Averafe (MA)

A Moving Average (MA for short) is a technical indicator that averages a currency pair’s price over a period of time.


The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is a three-country accord haggled by the legislatures of Canada, Mexico, and the United States that went into power in January 1994.

National Futures Association (NFA)

The National Futures Association (NFA) is the industrywide, self-administrative association for the U.S. subordinates industry, remembering for trade exchanged fates, retail off-trade unfamiliar money (forex), and OTC subsidiaries (trades).

Net Position

The amount of currency bought or sold which has not yet been offset by opposite transactions.

New Development Bank

The bank intends to address a gigantic foundation financing hole in the part nations, which represent close to a large portion of the total populace and regarding a fifth of worldwide monetary result.


A computer that has a full copy of the blockchain and is part of the decentralized network.

Noise Trading

Commotion exchanging happens when a broker settles on a choice to trade without the utilization of major information, (for example, monetary, monetary, and other subjective or quantitative information that can influence the worth of the resource).


A number within a block that miners increment until a message digest is obtained that fulfills the requirement of the Bitcoin protocol to add the block to the blockchain.

None-Convertible Currency

A non-convertible money, otherwise called a "obstructed cash", is the legitimate delicate of a country that isn't exchanged by any means on the global unfamiliar trade market, typically due to government limitations.

Nonfarm Productivity

The proportion of result each hour worked. In the event that more result is created, costs might be lower of the item. The higher the efficiency, the better the economy. It is viewed as the most dependable check of generally business wellbeing.

Offer/Ask Price

The cost at which the market is ready to sell an item. Costs are cited two-way as Bid/Offer. The Offer cost is otherwise called the Ask. The Ask addresses the cost at which a merchant can purchase the base cash, which is displayed to one side in a money pair. For instance, in the statement USD/CHF 1.4527/32, the base money is USD, and the ask cost is 1.4532, meaning you can get one US dollar for 1.4532 Swiss francs.

Offered Market

Situation in which offers are greater than bids.

One cancels the other (OCO)

Made up of two limit orders, where the execution of one automatically triggers the cancellation of the other.

Old Lady

Slang for the Bank of England.


A request for a trade to be executed.

Order Book

An order book is an electronic list of buy and sell orders for a specific financial instrument.


An oscillator is a technical indicator that gravitates between two levels on a price chart.

Open Position

A simple term to describe the position that a trader takes on a currency pair, subject to any profits and losses that it may accrue.


A sometimes heard term in the time of online forex exchanging; an over-the-counter exchange is a customary approach to dealing with a forex exchange. It includes pushing through a request by means of a phone or electronic gadget and along these lines is not generally normally seen.

Overnight Position

When a trader decides to keep a position open overnight and carry it over into the next trading day.

Pandemic Emergency Programme (PEPP)

The Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) is a new temporary asset purchase program of private and public sector securities.


Illustrative portrays a market that moves a huge span in an exceptionally brief timeframe, much of the time moving in a speeding up design that looks like one portion of a parabola.


Parity occurs in the Forex market when two currencies are of equal value. The exchange rate is equal to 1.


A Pennant is essentially a variation of a Flag where the area of combination has meeting pattern lines, like a Triangle. The Pennant is an unbiased development. Regardless of whether the pattern turns around or proceeds with in light of the example intensely relies upon the setting of the example.


A petrocurrency is a cash of an oil-delivering country whose oil sends out as a portion of all out trades are adequately huge enough that the money's worth ascents and falls alongside the cost of oil.


PIIGS is an acronym made popular during the European debt crisis.


Meaning "rate in point", it addresses the littlest conceivable value change that can happen inside a conversion standard. As a rule, a cash is introduced to four decimal places, with the littlest modification in cost happening inside the last decimal of the cost recorded.


A collection of investments owned by an entity.


The amount by which the forward or futures price exceeds the spot price.

Price transparency

Describes quotes to which every market participant has equal access.


Closing a forex position as a means to collect the related profit.


The tendency of a trending market to retrace a portion of the gains before continuing in the same direction.


When a person or group with lots of money buy a bunch of coins at market value, driving the price of the coins up.

Put/Call Ratio

One of the great things about options is your options broker should give you access to the put/call ratio. This is the ratio of traders buying calls (bullish option trades) vs puts (bearish option trades). This in essence gives you an insight into the order flow and sentiment of a particular stock by seeing the ratio and how those options were traded on that stock.


A standard abbreviation for “profit and loss”.

Qatar Rials

The currency of Qatar. Currency code (QAR).

Quantitative Analysis

Basically, the exchanging idea of Quantitative Analysis includes the most common way of applying a business or monetary strategy that tries to comprehend conduct inside the cash market by applying a complicated arrangement of numerical and factual demonstrating, alongside estimating of market values and examination.

Quantitative easing

When a central bank injects money into an economy with the aim of stimulating growth.


When a currency is quoted in the FX market, it’s generally quoted in terms of another currency.

Quote Currency

Within any currency pair, the second currency listed will always be referred to as the “quote currency”. For example, in the USD/GBP pairing, the GBP is the quote currency.


“Rally” references a currency’s recovery in price after a period of either short-term or long-term decline.


When a price is trading between a defined high and low, moving within these two boundaries without breaking out from them.


When a price is trading between a defined high and low, moving within these two boundaries without breaking out from them.

Rate of Change (ROC)

The Rate-of-Change (ROC) is a technical indicator that measures the percentage change between the current price and the price from x –days ago.


The paper meaning of a downturn is the point at which the GDP rate decreases by at least 2 sequential quarters. The issue with this definition is that it makes it more challenging to say whether or not the economy is in a downturn. This definition doesn't consider other macroeconomic elements like joblessness.

Repo (RP)

A repurchase agreement ("repo") is a transient gotten credit: one party offers protections to another and consents to repurchase those protections later at a more exorbitant cost.


When a pegged currency is allowed to strengthen or rise as a result of official actions; the opposite of a devaluation.


The value level that a cash views as hard to go past. In such cases, a money will reliably thump on a value roof, just to see a decrease start when it can't break above it.


A chance in which an effect will occur. Mainly used as a negative effect.

Risk Appetite

Risk appetite Is the general level of risk that a trader can handle.

Risk Management

Considering the as a rule wild nature of the forex market, merchants should embrace hazard the executives as a way to safeguard capital. Hazard the executives rehearses normally assume the type of related methodologies and devices that work to restrict the monetary gamble however much as could be expected.

Rollover Rate

Bringing about a rollover rate implies the premium that a broker should pay (or procure) when the individual stands firm on an open footing for the time being. Taking into account that such positions go on over time, the expression "rollover" is fittingly utilized.

Safe Haven Currencies

Safe haven currencies are currencies that are expected to retain or increase in value when it seems like the world is coming to an end (geopolitical stress). The U.S. dollar (USD), along with the Japanese yen (JPY) and Swiss franc (CHF) are considered safe-haven currencies.


Scrypt is a sort of mining calculation utilized by significant cryptographic forms of money, for example, litecoin and novacoin. It enjoys one significant upper hand over different calculations, for example, SHA-256 in that it's faster and more straightforward to utilize. It doesn't go through as much PC handling, so individual diggers can all the more promptly process squares of information with it.

Short Position

Inverse of a long position, this includes taking a place that advantages from a money's decrease in market cost. At the point when the base money inside the pair is at last sold, then, at that point, the position is thought to be short.


"Slippage" is a term used to depict when a broker executes an exchange that goes through at a more exorbitant cost than at first anticipated. This will in general happen during seasons of high instability, when financial backers utilize stop-misfortune orders and market orders.

Soft Currency

Inverse of a hard money, a delicate cash is one that is regularly hit hardest by financial and political occasions and along these lines is for the most part viewed as unsound. For instance, both the Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWD) and North Korean Won (KPW) are regularly marked "delicate monetary standards".


Representing a specific type of trader, anyone who is classified as a speculator is willing to take big risks while trading. The hope is that by embracing increasing levels of risk, the eventual profit return will be high.


Used to depict a sharp descending or up development in money value that happens during a short space of time. In spite of prevalent thinking that a spike can depict a vertical pattern, in the realm of forex, it has additionally been utilized to portray a descending pattern.


In trading, spot refers to the price of an asset for immediate delivery or the value of an asset at any exact given time.


The spread addresses the distinction between the request and bid cost from any cash pair. In many cases, this figure addresses financier administration costs and replaces exchanges expenses, with it for the most part introduced in pips. It should be noticed the spread could take on one of three structures through a proper spread, a decent spread with an augmentation, and a variable spread.

Spread Betting

Spread betting is a type of speculation on the outcome of an event that involves betting on the price movement of an asset. A spread betting broker quotes prices for the bid and offer/spread, traders bet whether the underlying stock price will be lower than the bid or higher than the spread. In spread betting the investor doesn’t own the underlying stock, he just speculates on the price movement of the stock.

Stop-Loss Order

A market order to either buy or sell a currency when it hits a certain price. Generally speaking, a stop-loss order is placed in order to control losses occurring (or due to occur) in a set position.

Taiwan New Dollars

The currency of Taiwan. Currency code (TWD).

Take-Profit Order (T/P)

A market order that stipulates that a position is to be closed once it hits a predetermined price or price range, thus taking all generated profit.


The shoptalk word "tank" is a term that was embraced from the customary monetary business sectors and portrays a solid negative monetary exhibition of a specific resource.


Assuming control of a company by buying its stock.

Technical Analysis

Investors use technical analysis as a means to forecast future price changes within the forex market. How this is conducted is by sifting through current and prior market data via trading indicators, charts, and other related tools.

Term Auction Facility

The program was first instituted on December 17, 2007. These auctions allow their participants to obtain.

Time of maturity

The time remaining until a contract expires.


Stands for “take profit.” Refers to limit orders that look to sell above the level that was bought or buy back below the level that was sold.

Trade Size

The number of units of product in a contract or lot.

Trailing Stop

A trailing stop is a special type of trade order that moves relative to price fluctuations.


U.S. Treasuries are issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on behalf of the federal government.

Trend Channel

A trend channel is a set of parallel trend lines defined by the highs and lows of an asset’s price action.


Ugly is a term that describes unforgiving market conditions that can be violent and quick.


The actual traded market from where the price of a product is derived.

Underlying Market

An underlying market is the market on which a derivative is based. This might also be called an underlying asset.

Unlimited Upside

There are many options contracts where the upside potential for profit is unlimited. This requires a greater understanding of options contracts, pricing, etc., but there are situations where your potential upside is unlimited.

U.S Prime Rate

The interest rate at which U.S. banks will lend to their main corporate customers.


A new price quote at a price higher than the preceding quote.

Uptick rule

In the US, a regulation whereby a security may not be sold short unless the last trade prior to the short sale was at a price lower than the price at which the short sale is executed.


An uptrend is an overall move higher in price, created by higher highs and higher lows.

US Tech 100

A major US stock index. The US Tech 100 is a weighted average of 100 of the largest non-financial companies traded on the US Tech 100.

Value Date

Also known as the maturity date, it is the date on which counterparts to a financial transaction agree to settle their respective obligations, i.e., exchanging payments. For spot currency transactions, the value date is normally two business days forward.

Vanuatu Vatu

The currency of Vanuatu. Currency code (VUV).

Variation margin

Funds traders must hold in their accounts to have the required margin necessary to cope with market fluctuations.

Venezuelan Bolivares

The currency of Venezuela. Currency code (VEB).


The CBOE S&P 500 Volatility Index (VIX) is known as the “Fear Index” because it is such a helpful gauge to measure how worried traders are that the S&P 500 might suddenly drop within the next 30 days.


This tends to the level of vulnerability (and related value variances) of a security, cash pair, or explicit money. It can likewise be utilized as a term to portray the condition of the forex market all in all.


Volume is a proportion of amount. In exchanging, the volume is how much a specific resource exchanged throughout some stretch of time. It is the quantity of units, offers, or agreements that change hands between a purchaser and a vender.

Voice Direct Trading

Voice direct trading is a trade originated personally by phone, fax, e-mail, or other messaging systems.


A way of storing your cryptocurrency.

Wash Trading

Buying or selling a good, asset, or stock from oneself. You trade with yourself in order to create the illusion of demand and market activity.

Weak Short

Alludes to the gathering of financial backers who stand firm on a short situation and rush to leave their situations at the earliest hint of solidarity in the fundamental resource. This gathering of financial backers hope to catch the increase on a move lower, however they are typically reluctant to take on as much as rick as different financial backers.


A wedge is a chart pattern marked by converging trend lines on a price chart.


A whale is a big holder of crypto, and usually have a substantial amount of capital. Basically, they’re rich.


Slang for a highly volatile market where a sharp price movement is quickly followed by a sharp reversal.


Whitelist is a list of registered and approved participants that are given exclusive access to contribute to an initial coin offering (ICO) or a presale.

Working Order

A functioning request is an overall term for either a stop request or a limit request to open.Stop and breaking point orders are together known as working, or forthcoming orders.


A currency that trades in markets outside of its domestic borders. “Xeno” is a prefix meaning strange or foreign. XAG/USD: Symbol for Gold Index. SAU/USD: Symbol for Gold Index.


A billion unit.

Yemen Rials

The currency of Yemen. Currency code (YER).


“Yield” is a term that refers to the return on any forex investment made, with such usually displayed as a percentage figure within a trading platform.

Yield Chasing

Yield chasing alludes to the circumstance where a national bank is smothering loan costs at low or negative levels.

Zambia Kwacha

The currency of Zambia. Currency code (ZMW).

Zero Coupon Bond

A bond that pays no interest. The bond is initially offered at a discount to its redemption value.

Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP)

ZIRP stands for “zero interest rate policy”.

Zero Lower Bound (ZLB)

Zero lower bound ("ZLB") is the point at which the momentary ostensible financing cost is at or almost zero, causing a liquidity trap and restricting the limit that the national bank needs to animate monetary development.

Zimbabwe Zimbabwean Dollars

At one time, the currency of Zimbabwe. Currency code (ZWD).